My Score

I got a 36/50



  • Q14

    • I answered C) Input A can be either true or false
    • The correct answer is A) Input A must be true.
  • Q15

    • I answered C)
    • The correct answer is D)
  • Q17**

    • I answered A) and D)
    • These are shown as the right answers but for some reason I didnt get the point on this question
  • Q19

    • I answerd B) Hotel
    • The right answer is C) November
  • Q23

    • I answered D) 1 2 3 4 5
    • The right answer is A) 5
  • Q25

    • I answered B) j>=6
    • The right answer is A j=6
  • Q26

    • I answered C)
    • The correct Answer is A)
  • Q29

    • I answered D)
    • The right answer is A)
  • Q30

    • I answered A) x ← 4 y ← 1 r ← 0 REPEAT 3 TIMES { drawCircle(x, y, r) r ← r + 1 y ← y + 1 }
    • The Correct answer is B)
  • Q32

    • I answered A)
    • The correct answer is C)
  • Q34

    • I answered c) 250
    • The right answer is A) 10
  • Q37

    • I answered C)
    • The correct answer is B)
  • Q50

    • I answered A) A
    • The correct answer is C) V


Overall, my score wasnt the best and I have lots of room to improve. Maybe working with others and collaborating on the quiz could help raise my score. I could also study and focus more on the flowchart problems, seeing I got most of them wrong.