# Quiz Planning

- toc: true
- badges: true
- comments: true
- categories: [Quiz, markdown]

Ideas for Quiz

  • Geography
    • loction of statues
    • World Wonders
  • Sports
    • Teams
    • different sports
    • players
  • History
    • Historical figures
    • Historcial events

We chose Geography as the topic for our quiz

Our Quiz will have three questions:

  • What country is the Eiffel Tower in? Answer: France
  • What country are the Pyramids Located? Answer: Egypt
  • What country and city is the Statue of Liberty in? Answer: United States, New York City


  • We chose to add a bonus question
  • Bonus question gives viewer chance to decline and end quiz or move forward and do bonus question.
  • We have a loser screen and a winner screen.

My Geography Quiz

Ideas for final project

  • Website where you can find information on characters from movies, shows, manga, and anime
  • Website that has lots of minigames
  • Trivia game website
  • website that teaches you stuff about math

All projects aboce would orgamize the information and data and present it in different sections.

I need to add 6 points for each of the project ideas next time for full points on the weeks assignments
